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Codecov reports upload but does not process report

See original GitHub issue

This is my .codecov.yml file

    require_ci_to_pass: yes

  precision: 2
  round: down
  range: "85...100"

    project: yes
    patch: yes
    changes: no

      conditional: yes
      loop: yes
      method: no
      macro: no

  layout: "header, diff"
  behavior: default
  require_changes: no

  - "/home/travis/build/::"

Here is the log

$ nyc report --reporter=text-lcov > coverage.lcov && codecov
  _____          _  
 / ____|        | |  
| |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __  
| |    / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /  
| |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /  
 \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/  
==> Detecting CI Provider
    Travis CI Detected
==> Configuration: 
{ commit: '3efd2321db4376e49f30653174c8c828dad03f05',
  branch: 'thomas/codecov-setup',
  package: 'node-v3.1.0' }
==> Building file structure
==> Generating gcov reports (skip via --disable=gcov)
    $ find /home/travis/build/benmacdonald/capstone -type f -name '*.gcno'  -exec gcov  {} +
==> Scanning for reports
    + /home/travis/build/benmacdonald/capstone/backend/api/coverage.lcov
==> Uploading reports
    View report at:

From this I the failed to process reports.

Anyone can point me in the right direction or have the solution?

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Reactions:16
  • Comments:13 (3 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

rolznzcommented, Sep 26, 2019

Tried for hours and then switched to coveralls… instant success.

drazisilcommented, Sep 27, 2019

@styfle that’s correct. Since we need to match the files in the report to files in the repo, you have to run the coverage against the typescript files as the dist files aren’t in the commit for us to see.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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