Default styles were removed with the Tailwind v1 upgrade. Add default styles for a good first time experience?
See original GitHub issueUpdate 2 (after this comment:
“Default styles” were removed in Tailwind V1 (i.e: Tailwind’s reset stylesheet sets all elements to look the exact same), resulting in:
- plain html tags were stripped of their default browser styles, making everything look like it was in a
tag. - consequentially, markdown syntax has no effect on anything / became meaningless, and is also just
tags (visually).
The solution:
- have opt-out default styles for a better first time experience.
Update 1 (after checking previous versions):
Looks like this release broke the default styles:
Original Issue Report
Info / Debug Session / me being very confused:
it looks like all elements have been stripped of all styles.
Steps in readme copied here:
npx ember-cli addon ec-addon-docs-repro --yarn
cd ec-addon-docs-repro
ember install ember-cli-addon-docs
# choose ESDoc or install below
ember install ember-cli-addon-docs-esdoc
following the rest of the quickstart, ignoring template linting errors.
during the ember generate docs-page usage
fix the router: {
docsRoute(this, function() { /* Your docs routes go here */ });
should be {
docsRoute(this, function() {
/* Your docs routes go here */
Because Octane no longer has the application-template-wrapper,
the tests/dummy/app/templates/application.hbs
must be wrapped with
<div class='ember-view'>
<!-- the original content of this file -->
Now, to add a header and list:
in tests/dummy/app/templates/index.hbs
, replace
<div style="max-width: 40rem; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 1.5rem">
{{#docs-demo as |demo|}}
{{#demo.example name="my-demo.hbs"}}
<!-- (yes, I read up on DocsDemo,,
but there is next to no information on it, and it doesn't seem to be relevant for just
having non-demo / static content? idk.) -->
<p>Make sure to read up on the DocsDemo component before building out this page.</p>
<div class="docs-container docs-md docs-my-16">
<section class="docs-section docs-max-w-md docs-mx-auto docs-pb-8">
paragraph text
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
<li>item 3</li>
<div class="docs-my-5 docs-text-right">
{{#docs-link "docs"}}
class="docs-bg-grey-darkest docs-text-white docs-py-2 docs-px-4 docs-no-underline docs-rounded hover:docs-bg-black"
Get started →
where did I get this structure / classes from? here: and the h2 looks correct
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 4 years ago
- Comments:18 (7 by maintainers)
I don’t think we really need to have an opt out. This tool should be opinionated and generate formatted documentation. If you want to deviate from that, it can be done manually with CSS. Although, I suppose an opt out wouldn’t hurt anything.
It sounded like you were saying everything was completely unstyled, and that markdown included no styles.
I’ve been trying to confirm if the issues you were seeing were from Tailwind v1 changing things or if your entire setup was broken and truly had zero styles. It sounds like Tailwind v1 issues so far to me, so I would be in favor of adding back the old Tailwind pre v1 styles for things like headings, lists, etc.
Would you be interested in opening a PR for this @NullVoxPopuli?