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Handle "asyncConnect" decorated containers that are hidden in the children components

See original GitHub issue

I have a nested structure of components (containers). Each has it’s own asyncConnect. The top one can hold up to N number of children. These children can come from a CMS. The schema is well defined and each maps to one of these children.

Let’s say the top level one would load available categories in an API call. Then the children ( sub-categories ) can be included dynamically, and each would worry about it’s own content, separately, independent of the top level container ( other than a route parameter that contains the id of the category ). Each of these children would load details for the sub-category it is responsible for.

Some pseudo code below:

<Route ... component={TopLevelContainer} />

  promise: ({ store: { dispatch, getState }, params: { categoryId } }) => {
    const promises = [];
    const state = getState();

    if (!categoryActions.isLoaded(state)) {

    return Promises.all(promises);
export default class TopLevelContainer extends Component { ....
    someChildContext stuff ...
    render() {
        return (
                <ChildContainer />
                <ChildContainer />
  promise: ({ store: { dispatch, getState }, params: { categoryId } }) => {
    const promises = [];
    const state = getState();

   // why is this code not running ? Am I forced to keep this on the parent? 

    if (!subCategoryActions.isLoaded(state, categoryId, 'someSubcategory')) {
      promises.push(subCategoryActions.loadCategory(categoryId, 'someSubcategory'));

    return Promises.all(promises);
export default class ChildContainer extends Component { ....

So … I know it’s a bit of code, but I was using the repo that this was forked from in hopes that maybe this would work here. And yeah … am I doing something wrong? Is this a feature that’s implemented and support and I’m not doing something correctly? I also found this on the older repo but I’m not sure it’s what I need.

Also, regarding the // COMMENT BELOW part, is it somehow possible to get the context in the async connect? Or is that a more general thing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you very much!

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  • State:open
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Comments:23 (8 by maintainers)

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sergesemashkocommented, Aug 8, 2016

@oyeanuj, yes, I think I got pretty close, just would like to solve some obvious issues before submitting a PR.

sergesemashkocommented, Aug 22, 2016

@oyeanuj, I’m trying to introduce as less breaking changes as possible. My current solution for server-side rendering has recursive call of renderToStaticMarkup() to handle sub-children asyncConnect decorators, like:

function loadOnServer(render, { store, filter = () => true, }) {
    const initialLoadState = store.getState().reduxAsyncConnect.loadState;
    const queue = [];
    // onResolve triggered on first unresolved deeply nested asyncConnect. 
    // If there are multiple asyncConnect on the same tree level queue will have multiple promises.
      <Provider store={store} key="provider">
          filter={ filter }
          onResolve={(promise) => queue.push(promise)}
          { render }

    return Promise.all(queue).then(results => {
      const loadState = store.getState().reduxAsyncConnect.loadState;
      // @TODO: Solution is taken from react-resolver, investigate better options. 
      // If load state hasn't change on last render that means there is no asyncConnect 
      // on deeply nested children left and we can leave the recursion.
      if (Object.keys(initialLoadState).length < Object.keys(loadState).length) {
        return loadOnServer(render, { store, filter, });
      //@TODO: decide what to return here. Basically, reaching this point means all async connect are resolved;
      return {};  

Client-side solution is still in progress, but I’m trying out to have listener on each component wrapped by asyncConnect to handle its deeply nested children. So, let’s say we have:

      <AsyncConnectedSubChild />
  <SecondAsyncConnectContainer />

Resolving pipeline for given tree will be:

  1. ReduxAsyncConnect fires beginGlobalLoad() and listens for AsyncConnectContainer and SecondAsyncConnectContainer promises are resolved.
  2. AsyncConnectContainer is going to listen wether AsyncConnectedChild is resolved.
  3. AsyncConnectedChild is going to listen for AsyncConnectedSubChild and once AsyncConnectedSubChild is resolved, promise resolve is bubbling up to AsyncConnectedChild->AsyncConnectContainer->ReduxAsyncConnect
  4. Once two implicit children of ReduxAsyncConnect are resolved it fires endGlobalLoad()
Read more comments on GitHub >

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