Make RipMe Paths Windows-safe
See original GitHub issue- Ripme version:
- Java version:
- Operating system: java 9.0.1
- Exact URL you were trying to rip when the problem occurred: (from the the eight-muses test)
- Please include any additional information about how to reproduce the problem:
Expected Behavior
Windows has a path limit of 260 characters, including “drive letter, colon, backslash, name components separated by backslashes, and a terminating null”.
It is expected that on windows systems ripme respects these rules and warns the user about it or does not create the file if it will be longer than the 260 char path limit. If it is over Explorer.exe throws a “The file name is too long.” error and does not allow the user to interact with the file at all.
Actual Behavior
However this does not limit languages like java to creating longer paths. If RipMe does this there is no way to use default windows explorer to read/write/modify the file.
Managed to get the following path: L:\Documents\NetBeansProjects\RipMe\rips\8muses_TheDude3DX_Lust_Unleashed_-_The_Urge_To_Explore\Lust-Unleashed—The-Urge-To-Explore\011_6FH0ubbB1JyFHjZD3KACbuJ7Ftyep1x0EeT329NowL9eemedfjaaHzun… (truncated)
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 5 years ago
- Comments:6 (2 by maintainers)
It might have been a ripme error that it named the file badly, but either way I believe it is prudent to at least have safeguards in place.
Safety checks to ensure filenames aren’t too long were implemented a few versions ago