Achieve 100% code-level observability with Lightrun!

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Get a Lightrun demo and learn how to easily debug microservices, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, ECS, Big Data, serverless, and more.

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Automation Anywhere
Chubb Rain & Hail

The Lightrun Dynamic Observability Platform

Runtime Debugging at Enterprise Grade Service

Welcome to the Lightrun Platform Observability comprehensive guide! where we will explore the powerful capabilities of Lightrun, a developer-native dynamic observability platform trusted by top F10 and F500 organizations. Lightrun empowers developers to troubleshoot even the most complex remote and distributed workloads at runtime directly from their integrated development environment (IDE), without the need to interrupt the application, modify its state, or redeploy it.

Demo Outline

2 Chapters 03:54

  • Welcome to Lightrun


    Uncover Lightrun enterprise-grade dynamic observability platform that enables secure troubleshooting with features such as conditional logs, virtual breakpoints through snapshots, and advanced metrics, streamlining issue resolution across diverse environments, systems, platforms, and programming languages.

  • Getting Started


    Dive into Lightrun's dynamic observability platform through this introduction demo empowering developers to seamlessly debug runtime applications in IntelliJ IDE with advanced troubleshooting capabilities like Conditional logs, Snapshots, and Metrics, thus advancing shift-left observability.

Didn’t find what you’re looking for?

  • Connect with our experts

    Book a meeting with our observability experts to discover how Lightrun can enhance your troubleshooting needs.

    Contact us
  • Explore the playground

    Play around with Lightrun and a real,
    live app. Zero configuration required.

    Learn more
  • Book a live demo

    Get a Lightrun demo and learn how to easily debug microservices, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm and more.

    Schedule a meeting

White Papers and One-Pagers

  • Product Data Sheet

    This data sheet provides a brief review of Lightrun’s developer observability platform, allowing engineering professionals to get a sense of the technical details that are involved with considering Lightrun for
    everyday use.

    Read more
  • Security White Paper

    This white paper details the various security measures we use to protect your environments, and allows security professionals to take a deep dive through the various technical details of the Lightrun platform.

    Read more
  • Data Privacy &  PII Redaction

    This data sheet presents a technical summary of the data privacy and personally identifiable information (PII) supported features within Lightrun, guaranteeing utmost security for customers with a comprehensive audit trail.

    Read more

See what people say about Lightrun

  • Tomer Glicksman

    Software Engineer

    It not only saved us days, if not weeks, of painstaking debugging but also provided a more streamlined and efficient approach to tackling complex issues in our production environment. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, having tools like Lightrun at our disposal is what keeps us at the forefront of innovation and efficiency.

  • Danesh Q.

    Principal Software Engineer

    One of the best thing I loved about Lightrun is that the setup time is very minimal and then developers have full flexibility to take snapshots of heap or logs at any line of the code. This helps us move into a new direction of development wherein devs dont bother about putting a log statement just for debugging, which would often need a redeploy if log statements were missing.

  • Jacob Eckel

    VP | Gong R&D

    Leveraging Lightrun, our teams unraveled complex incidents that were challenging to solve and replicate locally using conventional debugging solutions allowing us to reduce the MTTR from Hours to Minutes.

  • Joe Larizza

    Director (UAT)

    Lightrun's direct integration into the production environment eliminates the need for back-and-forth emails and replication requests and enables us to swiftly identify issues, evaluate variables, and scrutinize expressions in real-time, all while the system functions seamlessly.

  • Thomas Haver

    Automation Architect

    The tool is user-friendly. It contains the features necessary for us to perform appropriate failure analysis. Our prior state (and current state for many teams) involves cobbling together from various sources and using individuals as oracles for past failures. Lightrun makes it easier to do root cause analysis.

  • Asaf Saar

    VP Product Management

    Lightrun has changed the way I approach debugging for my cloud-native applications. The ability to debug during runtime, directly from my preferred integrated development environment (IDE), has been a game-changer in my development workflow.

The World’s Largest Companies Use Lightrun


“Lightrun was a real life changer for us”

Learn how Taboola slashed MTTR and saved over 260 debugging hours a month with Lightrun.

“It not only saved us days, if not weeks, of painstaking debugging but also provided a more streamlined and efficient approach to tackling complex issues in our production environment. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, having tools like Lightrun at our disposal is what keeps us at the forefront of innovation and efficiency.”

Tomer Glicksman Software Engineering, Salesforce

One of the best thing I loved about Lightrun is that the setup time is very minimal and then developers have full flexibility to take snapshots of heap or logs at any line of the code. This helps us move into a new direction of development wherein devs dont bother about putting a log statement just for debugging, which would often need a redeploy if log statements were missing.

Danesh Qureshi Principal Software Engineer, Priceline

“Leveraging Lightrun, our teams unraveled complex incidents that were challenging to solve and replicate locally using conventional debugging solutions. Lightrun enables us to quickly introduce dynamic logs and snapshots surrounding the incident area and by that reducing MTTR from hours to minutes.”

Jacob Eckel VP, R&D, Gong

“Lightrun has been a game-changer for us. With Lightrun we shortened our development process significantly by skipping iterative deployment cycles when adding logs and metrics. A day’s work turned into just one hour. Lightrun provided us with new observability into our production environment that was not accessible to us beforehand. Lightrun is a key component in our developer toolset here at Taboola and one of our development best practices.”

Rami Stern R&D Infrastructure Team Leader at Taboola

“Drata’s main focus is to ensure we’re delivering value for our customers and addressing their most urgent needs; we embrace that approach across the entire organization. Leveraging Lightrun to significantly streamline logging has allowed us to remediate faster without shifting our focus away from critical business initiatives.”

Dave Knell VP Software Engineering at Drata

“Using Lightrun to debug an actual issue in production enabled us to react instantly. We were able to add the right logs and identify the root-cause in a real-time session, instead of waiting for redeployments.”

Tom Shapira Director of Software Engineering at WhiteSource
Fortune 10 company

“Lightrun is a strategic tool in our SRE & incident mgmt. playbook, and increases the organization’s capacity to respond to customer-facing applicative issues quickly. Lightrun empowers our developers with safe, real-time troubleshooting capabilities and has enabled them to debug mission-critical, complex applicative issues 50-60% faster.“

Director of Engineering F10 Company, >10K Developers

How Lightrun Works

Securely inject logs, metrics and traces in real time while the process is running. Debug monoliths, microservices, K8s, CI, serverless, and more from your IDE.

  • Lightrun requires no source
    code access

  • No code, only metadata,
    passes through the server

  • Lightrun is runtime-based, and runs
    where you run at any scale

Choose your IDE

No code, only metadata, passes through the server.

  • VS Code
  • JetBrains
  • Visual Studio

Choose where you need more visibility: your code, legacy code, 3rd party code – you name it, we instrument it.

Lightrun in VSCode

Instrument everything in real-time, without stopping the live application: one click in the IDE, and your live app is instrumented in a read-only, secure fashion.

Lightrun plugin in VS Code
I counted 45 primes so fa

Observe the information immediately: see it right in the IDE or in one of our 30+ observability integrations.

Lightrun plugin in VS Code
I counted 45 primes so fa
  • Lightrun in VSCode
  • Lightrun plugin in VS Code
    Lightrun management server
    • I counted 181 primes so far
      • Google Cloud
      • AWS
      • Azure
    • I counted 45 primes so far
      • Kubernetes
    • I counted 15 primes so far
      • Docker
  • Lightrun plugin in VS Code
    • Elastic
    • Datadog
    • Grafana
    • Slack
    • StatsD
    • Dynatrace
    • Prometheus
    • Sentry
    • New Relic
    • fluentd

Choose where you need more visibility: your code, legacy code, 3rd party code – you name it, we instrument it.

Lightrun plugin in IntelliJ IDEA

Instrument everything in real-time, without stopping the live application: one click in the IDE, and your live app is instrumented in a read-only, secure fashion.

Adding a Lightrun log in IntelliJ IDEA
I counted 45 primes so fa

Observe the information immediately: see it right in the IDE or in one of our 30+ observability integrations.

Observability in IntelliJ IDEA with Lightrun
I counted 45 primes so fa
  • Lightrun plugin in IntelliJ IDEA
  • Adding a Lightrun log in IntelliJ IDEA
    Lightrun management server
    • I counted 181 primes so far
      • Google Cloud
      • AWS
      • Azure
    • I counted 45 primes so far
      • Kubernetes
    • I counted 15 primes so far
      • Docker
  • Observability in IntelliJ IDEA with Lightrun
    • Elastic
    • Datadog
    • Grafana
    • Slack
    • StatsD
    • Dynatrace
    • Prometheus
    • Sentry
    • New Relic
    • fluentd

Choose where you need more visibility: your code, legacy code, 3rd party code – you name it, we instrument it.

Instrument everything in real-time, without stopping the live application: one click in the IDE, and your live app is instrumented in a read-only, secure fashion.

I counted 45 primes so fa

Observe the information immediately: see it right in the IDE or in one of our 30+ observability integrations.

I counted 45 primes so fa
  • Lightrun management server
    • I counted 181 primes so far
      • Google Cloud
      • AWS
      • Azure
    • I counted 45 primes so far
      • Kubernetes
    • I counted 15 primes so far
      • Docker
    • Elastic
    • Datadog
    • Grafana
    • Slack
    • StatsD
    • Dynatrace
    • Prometheus
    • Sentry
    • New Relic
    • fluentd

Use Cases

Use cases

Live debugging in production

Capture context in real-time, without stopping execution, with visibility down to the single line.

Use cases

Troubleshoot cloud-native applications

Get visibility across replicas, regions, or entire clouds.

Use cases

Troubleshoot broken CI

Re-running jobs to fix them can be a thing of the past.

Use cases

Understand codeflow and code behavior in production

Enlighten the code path your users take through the app.

Use cases

Validate progressive delivery / feature flags

Traverse complex, conditional paths to understand what really happened.

Use cases

Troubleshoot serverless applications

Break apart issues in function-based workloads, one lambda at a time.

Reduce logging cost

Reduce logging costs

Get deep context within your data to figure out logic and quality issues.

Use cases

Performance analysis and investigation

Break apart performance bottlenecks on the application level.

Economic impact on enterprise logging and observability costs

Lightrun’s platform delivers 763% ROI and $5.62M NPV over a three-year period. Read Lightrun’s economic impact study below!

Get our deep research into the economic impact of using a developer observability platform in major engineering organisations, in which you will learn how Lightrun has:

  • Saved $3.87M via developer productivity improvements
  • Increased revenue by $1.64M due to lower MTTR
  • Delivered 763.9% 3-year ROI after < 7 months

Read the Full Report

Economic impact on enterprise logging and observability costs

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