This article is about fixing error when encountered “Minified React error” in the production environment in vitejs vite
  • 22-Jan-2023
Lightrun Team
Author Lightrun Team
This article is about fixing error when encountered “Minified React error” in the production environment in vitejs vite

Error when encountered “Minified React error” in the production environment in vitejs vite

Lightrun Team
Lightrun Team

Explanation of the problem

The problem at hand is a “Minified React error” that occurs in the production environment, but not in the development environment. The error message provides a link to the React documentation for “error-decoder” but does not provide any specific information about the root cause of the error.

The root cause of the issue seems to be related to a configuration problem with Vite. It seems that the problem is related to an incorrectly configured production environment. This could be caused by a variety of factors including issues with webpack or babel configurations. As the user has not provided any specific details about the configuration of their application or the steps they have taken to troubleshoot the problem, it is difficult to provide a more detailed solution. However, it is recommended that the user review their application and Vite configuration to ensure that they are correctly set up for production use.

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Problem solution for error when encountered “Minified React error” in the production environment in vitejs vite

One common solution for encountering the “Minified React error” in the production environment with vitejs vite is to use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. This can be done by modifying the vite.config.js file and setting the mode to “development” and the build minify option to false. This allows for better debugging and understanding of the root cause of the error. Another solution is to inspect the app using browser dev tools to get more details about the error. This can be done by using the minify and dev mode in the vite.config.js file. This can also allow to discover the culprit of the error. A hacky solution is to use the default export of the library that is giving the issues. This can be done by using the following code:

import RPI from "react-phone-input-2";
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
const ReactPhoneInput = RPI.default ? RPI.default : RPI;

This can be useful in cases where the error is coming from a library that is built as cjs and the issue is probably a cjs compatibility issue for Vite’s Rollup build configuration.

Other popular problems with vitejs vite

Problem: React compatibility issues

One of the most common issues with vitejs vite is compatibility issues when using React. This can manifest as errors such as “Minified React error” or “Uncaught Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: object.”. The cause of these issues is often related to the use of CommonJS modules in React libraries, which may not be compatible with vitejs vite’s default build configuration using Rollup.


One solution to this issue is to use vite.config.js to set the minify and dev mode to false, this will give you more details in the browser dev tools and allow you to debug your application. Another solution is to use the import statement to import the library and use the default property to access the library.

Problem: CORS issue when using axios in redux-saga

Another common issue with vitejs vite is encountering CORS issues when using axios in redux-saga. This is often caused by the mismatch of request URLs between the backend and frontend, resulting in a redirect response from the server that is not allowed by the CORS preflight request.


One solution to this issue is to ensure that the backend and frontend URLs match exactly, including whether or not there is a trailing slash. Another solution is to set strict_slashes=False in the @app.route decorator in the flask server.

Problem: Error when Filtering not working with postgreSQL

Another common issue with vitejs vite is encountering an error when filtering data using postgreSQL. The error message displayed is “No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.”


One solution to this issue is to add explicit type casts in the SQL query when filtering data. Another solution is to use the SQLAlchemy library, which provides a more sophisticated and powerful ORM that can handle these types of issues.

A brief introduction to vitejs vite

Vitejs vite is a lightweight development server that is built on top of native ES modules. It allows developers to build JavaScript applications using the latest web standards, without the need for a complex build setup. Vite is fast, lightweight and easy to use, making it a popular choice for building frontend applications.

One of the key features of vite is its instant development mode, which allows developers to see changes in their application in real-time, without the need to manually refresh the page. This feature is made possible by vite’s use of the native ES modules feature of the browser, which allows it to hot-reload the application without the need for a separate build step. Vite also includes a built-in development server, which makes it easy to serve your application during development. Additionally, vite supports JSX and TypeScript out of the box, making it easy to use with React and other popular frontend frameworks.

Most popular use cases for vitejs vite include

  1. Vitejs vite can be used for building fast and lightweight development environments for web projects. It utilizes native ES modules in the browser to provide a development experience similar to that of a bundled development setup, without the need for a complex configuration.
  2. Vitejs vite can be used to quickly develop and prototype web applications. Its built-in development server provides hot-reloading, allowing developers to see changes in real-time without the need for manual refreshes. Additionally, Vite’s plugin system allows for easy integration with various tools and libraries, such as TypeScript and Babel.
  3. Vitejs vite can be used for building progressive web applications (PWA) with the ability to generate a production-ready build. The following code block is an example of how to configure vite to build a PWA.
module.exports = {
  build: {
    assetsDir: "assets",
    manifest: true,
    workbox: true,

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