Change current component used by router-view without changing current URL
  • 17-May-2023
Lightrun Team
Author Lightrun Team
Change current component used by router-view without changing current URL

change current component used by `router-view` without changing current URL

Lightrun Team
Lightrun Team

Explanation of the problem


In a given scenario, there is a requirement to handle failed data fetching from a backend API. The desired behavior is to route to an error page without changing the current location and provide a prompt to the user, suggesting they refresh the page to retry the operation. It is important to ensure that refreshing the page while on the error page does not redirect back to the error page. Another common use case is to display the login page if the user is not logged in, without redirecting them to a separate login URL.


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Problem solution for: change current component used by `router-view` without changing current URL


To address this requirement, a possible solution is to modify the code in the App.vue component. The proposed implementation involves using conditional rendering with the help of the v-if and v-else directives. By introducing a new component, referred to as forceShowPage, the desired behavior can be achieved. If forceShowPage is truthy, the custom component will be displayed, and if it is falsy, the regular router-view component will be rendered. However, this approach presents a challenge as the nested routes’ layout components cannot be reused.

To overcome this limitation, a suggested API enhancement is to introduce a new prop called route for the <RouterView> component. This prop would allow overriding what is displayed within the <router-view> based on the provided route object, similar to the behavior in Vue Router v4. The proposed API enhancement aligns with the existing tests available in the Vue Router repository for handling modal scenarios. By introducing the route prop, developers would have more flexibility and control over the content rendered within the <router-view> component, enabling them to achieve the desired behavior while still utilizing nested routes and layout components effectively.

Here’s an example of how the proposed API enhancement could be used:


<!-- App.vue -->
  <router-view :route="customRoute"></router-view>

export default {
  computed: {
    customRoute() {
      // Logic to determine the custom route object based on conditions
      // e.g., failed API fetch or user not logged in
      // Return the appropriate route object


By introducing the route prop and implementing the custom route logic within the App.vue component, developers can effectively control the content displayed within the <router-view> component based on specific conditions, allowing for the desired behavior of handling errors or displaying login pages without changing the URL or compromising the reusability of layout components.


Problems with vue-router


Dynamic Route Matching Problem: When working with dynamic routes in Vue Router, such as route parameters or wildcard matching, it can be challenging to handle complex scenarios where different components or logic need to be executed based on the specific route parameter value or pattern.

Solution: Vue Router provides various techniques to handle dynamic route matching. One approach is to use the beforeEnter guard, which allows you to define custom logic before a route is entered. Inside the beforeEnter function, you can access the route parameters and perform any necessary checks or transformations. Here’s an example:


const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
      path: '/user/:id',
      component: User,
      beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => {
        // Perform custom logic based on the user ID
        const userId =;
        if (userId === 'admin') {
          // Redirect to a different route
        } else {
          // Proceed to the intended route


  1. By utilizing the beforeEnter guard, you can dynamically handle route matching scenarios and perform the necessary actions based on the route parameters.
  2. Nested Routes and Component Composition Problem: When dealing with nested routes in Vue Router, it can become challenging to manage the composition of components and layouts, especially when there are multiple levels of nesting involved. Maintaining consistent layouts across nested routes can be cumbersome.

    Solution: Vue Router provides the concept of nested routes and nested <router-view> components to address this challenge. By nesting routes and utilizing the <router-view> component within parent components, you can achieve consistent and flexible component composition. Here’s an example:


<!-- App.vue -->
    <h1>My App</h1>

<!-- ParentComponent.vue -->
    <h2>Parent Component</h2>

<!-- ChildComponent.vue -->
    <h3>Child Component</h3>
    <!-- Content specific to the child component -->


  1. By nesting the <router-view> components within the appropriate parent components, you can compose your application’s layout and structure based on the nested routes.
  2. Programmatic Navigation Problem: There are situations where you need to navigate programmatically in response to user actions or specific application logic, such as form submissions or button clicks. Directly manipulating the URL or relying solely on the router-link component may not always suffice.

    Solution: Vue Router provides a programmatic navigation API that allows you to navigate to a specific route programmatically. The $router instance, available in Vue components, provides methods such as push, replace, and go to perform programmatic navigation. Here’s an example:


// Inside a Vue component method
this.$router.push('/dashboard'); // Navigate to the '/dashboard' route


By utilizing the programmatic navigation API, you can trigger route transitions and navigation based on various application events or user interactions, providing a seamless user experience.


A brief introduction to vue-router


Vue Router is a powerful routing library for Vue.js applications that enables developers to build single-page applications with multiple views. It provides a seamless and efficient way to handle client-side routing, allowing users to navigate through different pages without a full page reload. Vue Router leverages the Vue.js ecosystem and seamlessly integrates with Vue components, making it a popular choice for managing application navigation.

At its core, Vue Router uses a declarative approach to define routes and associate them with corresponding components. Developers can define routes using the VueRouter constructor, specifying the path, component, and other configuration options. The library provides a <router-view> component, which serves as a placeholder for dynamically rendered components based on the current route. The routes can be organized in a hierarchical structure, allowing for nested routes and the composition of complex application layouts. Additionally, Vue Router offers features like route parameters, query parameters, route guards, and navigation hooks, enabling fine-grained control over the navigation behavior and user experience.

Overall, Vue Router simplifies the process of managing application navigation in Vue.js projects. Its intuitive API, seamless integration with Vue components, and support for advanced routing features make it a valuable tool for building dynamic and interactive single-page applications. By leveraging Vue Router, developers can create complex routing scenarios, handle navigation transitions, and provide a smooth and responsive user experience.


Most popular use cases for vue-router


  1. Vue Router enables developers to implement client-side routing in Vue.js applications. By defining routes and associating them with components, Vue Router allows for the creation of single-page applications with multiple views. Here’s an example of how routes can be defined using Vue Router:


import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
import Home from './components/Home.vue';
import About from './components/About.vue';


const routes = [
  { path: '/', component: Home },
  { path: '/about', component: About }

const router = new VueRouter({

new Vue({


  1. Vue Router provides advanced routing features such as route parameters and query parameters. Route parameters allow dynamic segments in the URL, enabling the passing of data to components based on the current route. Query parameters enable the passing of data in the URL query string, useful for filtering or pagination. Here’s an example of how route parameters can be used:


const routes = [
  { path: '/user/:id', component: User }


  1. Vue Router offers route guards and navigation hooks for controlling navigation behavior and implementing authentication and authorization logic. Route guards allow you to specify functions that are executed before entering or leaving a route, enabling you to control access to certain routes based on user authentication or other conditions. Navigation hooks provide additional control during navigation, such as performing asynchronous tasks before routing or canceling navigation. Here’s an example of using a navigation guard:


const router = new VueRouter({

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  // Check if the user is authenticated
  if (to.meta.requiresAuth && !isAuthenticated()) {
    // Redirect to the login page
  } else {
    // Proceed with the navigation

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