This is a glossary of all the common issues in Spring projects Spring Security
  • 27-Dec-2022
Lightrun Team
Author Lightrun Team
This is a glossary of all the common issues in Spring projects Spring Security

Troubleshooting Common Issues in Spring projects Spring Security

Lightrun Team
Lightrun Team

Project Description


Spring Security is a framework that provides authentication and authorization support for Java applications. It is a part of the larger Spring Framework, which is a widely used framework for building Java applications. It is designed to make it easy to add security to a Java application. It provides a number of features that make it easy to secure an application, including authentication, authorization, and secure communication. Spring Security offers a comprehensive suite of authentication and authorization capabilities, ranging from basic to advanced. Additionally, it supports secure communication via TLS or SSL for enhanced data protection. With these features in place, organizations can confidently protect their applications against malicious actors.
Spring Security is highly configurable and can be easily integrated with other Spring projects, such as Spring MVC, Spring Data, and Spring Boot. It is also compatible with a wide range of web servers, application servers, and databases.

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The following issues are the most popular issues regarding this project:

Customize RestOperations / WebClient for OAuth 2.0


As stated in ClientRegistrations:

NOTE: The underlying HTTP Client used in ClientRegistrations was purposely encapsulated and there is no plan to expose it.

To ensure a comprehensive user experience, it is necessary to provide an option for users to customize the underlying HTTP client. This enhancement allows them to override the default configuration and configure their own personalized settings according to specific needs.

The following is the proposed enhancement for ClientRegistrations:

private static final Function<URI, Map<String, Object>> DEFAULT_METADATA_RESOLVER = (metadataEndpoint) -> {
	RequestEntity<Void> request = RequestEntity.get(metadataEndpoint).build();
	return, typeReference).getBody();

public static ClientRegistration.Builder fromOidcIssuerMetadata(String issuer, Function<URI, Map<String, Object>> metadataResolver) {
	URI issuerUri = URI.create(issuer);

	// @formatter:off
	URI issuerEndpointUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(issuerUri)
			.replacePath(issuerUri.getPath() + OIDC_METADATA_PATH)
	// @formatter:on

	return getBuilder(issuer, () -> {
		// metadataResolver is either DEFAULT_METADATA_RESOLVER or a custom (provided) resolver
		Map<String, Object> configuration = metadataResolver.apply(issuerEndpointUri);

		OIDCProviderMetadata metadata = parse(configuration, OIDCProviderMetadata::parse);
		ClientRegistration.Builder builder = withProviderConfiguration(metadata, issuerUri.toASCIIString())
		if (metadata.getUserInfoEndpointURI() != null) {
		return builder;

Spring Security is evaluating potential updates to the JwtDecoders and ReactiveJwtDecoders, which could facilitate a more secure experience.

OAuth2 Authorization Code redirect not working when using webflux.base-path


If you are using Spring Security with OAuth2 and are experiencing issues with the authorization code redirect not working when using the webflux.base-path property, it could be due to a couple of different issues. Here are some potential solutions to try:

  1. Make sure that the webflux.base-path property is correctly configured in your application. It should be set to the base path of your application, including the leading slash, but not including the context path. For example, if your application is deployed at http://localhost:8080/myapp, the webflux.base-path property should be set to /myapp.
  2. Make sure that the AuthorizationRequestRepository you are using is compatible with webflux. If you are using the default WebSessionAuthorizationRequestRepository, it should work with webflux. However, if you are using a custom AuthorizationRequestRepository implementation, it may not be compatible with webflux. In this case, you may need to create a custom AuthorizationRequestRepository that is compatible with webflux.
  3. Make sure that the AuthorizationCodeGrantWebFilter is correctly configured. The AuthorizationCodeGrantWebFilter is responsible for handling the authorization code grant flow in Spring Security OAuth2. Make sure that it is correctly configured in your application, and that it is configured to use the correct AuthorizationRequestRepository.
  4. Make sure that the RedirectServerWebExchangeMatcher is correctly configured. The RedirectServerWebExchangeMatcher is used by the AuthorizationCodeGrantWebFilter to determine when to redirect the user to the authorization server. Make sure that it is correctly configured in your application, and that it is configured to use the correct AuthorizationRequestRepository.
  5. Make sure that the authorization server you are using is correctly configured. The authorization server is responsible for handling the authorization code grant flow and issuing access tokens. Make sure that it is correctly configured and that it is able to correctly handle authorization code grant requests from your application.


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